Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy 2nd Week of Advent;)

Hello, Oh VERY patient Preschool Parents;)

               I hope this finds you all staying healthy and finding wonderful ways of readying your hearts for the upcoming Christmas season!  I want to thank you all for giving me your patience and understanding on not updating this blog for a bit.  I do apologize and will try to update a bit more than just once every 8 weeks!   I want to also extend my deepest appreciation for all the prayers you are storming heaven with regarding my dear mom.  She is also very touched by your kindness and love by your sentiments and prayers.  I keep telling her that on the days she is not able to pray because of weakness or when she to ill to do so, that we are praying for her.  She was so comforted by this.  Many of you have asked about her so here is what is going on so far.  Last week the doctors have discovered that 3 of the 5 tumors are intertwining themselves with each other causing it to become a bigger mass pressing on her organs.  These tumors are also growing at a much faster rate.  She is starting to experience more bad feeling days than good at this point.  The doctors want her to do a last ditch effort of chemotherapy to slow the growth of these tumors but she has decided against this.  She is really trying to fight hard to not take the pain narcotics that docs have prescribed but I think she will have no choice but to start taking these soon to help ease the pain the cancer is causing. She is still living by herself , still insisting on caring for herself and does very well at this time.  My sisters and brother are close by so they check on her quite often during the day. I try to take off to see her on the weekends.  Again, thank you so much for your prayers! They help her stay strong and close to the Holy Spirit!


Our last couple of weeks....

This is our last full week of school.  Our theme this week is The Holy Family. Emphasizing on the letter ' C '  We are also really emphasizing the beauty of the Nativity Story and the Holy Family.  Next week our theme will be Baby Jesus emphasizing the letter ' J ' .   We have been talking a lot about the season of Advent.  If you check out the walls, you will see the Seals and Penguins Advent Wreaths and the Polar Bear have their wreaths on display above the cubbies.  We are talking about how do we prepare our hearts for Jesus's birthday!

The SEALS's last day before holiday will be TUESDAY December 18th.  Unfortunately, I will not be at school on this day as I have a class that preschool directors MUST take before the first of the year and this day is the last class offered before January.  Unfortuately, this is not something I can help.

The PENGUINS and POLAR BEARS's last day before holiday will be WEDNESDAY December 19th. 

All classes will have a little Christmas party on their last day.  I will send a letter out regarding it this week. 

Next week will also be Mrs. Martin's last week as my co-teacher as Mrs. Bloom will be returning from her student-teaching assignment.   We look forward to introducing Mrs. Bloom to the classes soon. I am confident that the students will see Mrs. Martin again in our classroom though, as a sub for either myself or Mrs. Bloom.  Mrs. Martin has done a stellar job as our preschool's co-teacher.  Her love for the children and dedication to the excellence of our school is to be commended and applauded.  We thank Mrs. Martin for the love and dedication she has given us and we congratulate Mrs. Bloom on her completion of her Early Childhood Degree and welcome her back to our classes.  We are truly blessed to have both of these talented women in our preschool touching the lives our the children!

***Classes will resume on JANUARY 3rd


Concluding Thoughts:

When I see the faith and innocence of your children, I am reminded how we can rest in the strength and comfort that God will provide when facing troubles of many kinds.
It is the power and strength that comes from God that carries us on. As Christian Catholics we remind ourselves to surrender to the strength that God provides and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

      1 Chronicles 16:11  "Seek the LORD and his strength;  seek his presence continually."

                           May God continually bless you during this Advent Season!

                                                                Mrs. Burd
