Monday, August 30, 2010

A Few Things

Only one more week until the start of a new year of Preschool! I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone again. Here's just a few notes before we begin:
  • The new handbook is available on the right side of the website - please take a look at it if you missed the Open House. There are a few changes to pay attention to - a big one being that all nut based foods (including peanut butter) are banned from the Preschool due to allergies.
  • Also, if you missed the Open House please download the Preschool Forms located under "Helpful Links" and turn them in filled out on the first day of school.
  • Remember that the first week of Preschool is staggered according to students' last names. Please check the calendar to see which day your child begins.
  • There are still openings for the optional 4th day for Penguins. If interested please register or email me with further questions.
Enjoy this week! I will see you all soon. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear Penguins Parents,

St. Francis de Sales Preschool is eager to offer you this exciting opportunity. Because of changes that occurred over the summer, you can now add an extra day to your child's school week! This opportunity will be used to enhance the Penguins curriculum and offer enriching activities.

To learn more about the four days a week Penguins opportunity and to find out how you can sign up, please check out the following flyer:

Penguins Four Days a Week Opportunity!

Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns.