Sunday, October 30, 2011

All Saint Day and the week of Oct 31

Happy Halloween Fabulous Preschool Families!

Happy All Hallows Eve! Thursday and Friday was great with the costume parties and treats. A HUGE thanks goes out to all the moms and dads that helped out with napkins, plates, drinks, and treats! The costumes were all so wonderful and so was dancing to the "Boogaloo Song"! Thanks to all ;)

As we quickly approach November, we come to one of our Catholic feast days... All Saints Day/All Souls Day. We will touch on what All Saints Day/All Souls Day is all about and do some activities on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child will have an orange leaf sheet sent home in their folder. Please cut out the leaves and write down any loved ones names that have passed on that you would like for us to pray for and be included on our All Saint/Souls Tree that will be up for the month of November.

St. Francis YEARBOOK
This week, on top of the cubbies, we will place out order forms for school yearbooks. The preschool will be included in this year's annual. If you would like to order one, fill it out with the required amount and return it in to Mrs. Burd or Mrs. Bloom by the end of this week (Nov.4)

PHYSICALS for Penguins and/or Polar Bears:
Within the next couple of weeks, various Penguin and Polar Bear parents may get a request to update your child's medical physical form. This request is solely the result of the Early Learning state requirements and must be done to keep our preschool compliant with the State of Ohio. IF you receive a Physical Request, we respectfully request that a medical physical be scheduled with your family doctor as soon as possible as the due date for all updated physicals must be done by December 16th. Thank so much for helping us keep our records up to date and compliant.

November 10 & 16 are our Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please sign up for a time slot if you have not done so already. If either of these days will not work for your schedule, please see Mrs. Burd for other alternatives.

Your precious little one may talk about having new stations every once in awhile. Sometimes we switch out stations to either throughly clean toys and/or furniture or give the students new stations to keep things different and touch on different standards that we are working on. This week we have switched out the Imagination Station with the Water Table and added the Stamping Station. The Imagination Station will be back in a couple of weeks.

In School this Week:
Color of the Week: Yellow (In Spanish: amarillo)
Number of the Week: 4
Letter of the Week: H
This week's Theme: Fall Harvest/Fall Animals
"Special Me"this week- AJ Burd (Seals)

Concluding Thoughts:
If any parent took pictures of the students during our Halloween festivities and are willing to share pictures with me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much!
Your children are such beautiful blessings from God. I feel so blessed to be able to work with them! May God continue to bless you and your families this week. Have a great one!

Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

"And we can be confident that He will listen to us whenever we ask Him for anything in line with His will." 1 John 5: 14


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missing ??? in Pre-K Polar Bears

Hello Super Polar Bear Parents !

We are missing one of the student-made books called "Introducing the 2011-2012 Preschool Class". We would appreciate it if you would look in your child's back pack and or around your home to see if anyone happens to have it. If so, please pack it into your little one's backpack and send it to school with them. Thanks so very much! God bless you all.

Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introducing... and other things;)

Hello Great Preschool Families!
As I sit here in my wool sweater and fuzzy slippers I am confident autumn is definitely here to stay! Brrrrr! Hope you all are keeping warm;)

Last week I forgot to introduce our newest helper to our preschool family. My apologies.
We are blessed to have another helping hand in our classroom on Monday and Friday mornings....Miss Angel Blake. Angel is a St. Francis parishoner and a graduate of Utica High School. She is the daugther of Jeanne and Don Blake. Angel loves to interact with children and has been doing a great job with helping out during our Penguin morning class as it is our largest class of students with 13 children. Welcome Miss Angel!

Just a reminder that we will have small Halloween parties. Different classes will have different days for their parties. They are the following:

THURSDAY October 27: The SEALS will have their party on this day. The SEALS class can dress up this day and we will have a game, a small treat, and a craft. Remember that costumes should not be so elaborate that the child can not sit and interact during class. We will also parade to the kindergarten classes.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 28: The PENGUINS and POLAR BEARS will have their party this day. The PENGUINS and POLAR BEAR classes can dress up this day and we will have a game, craft and a small treat. Remember that costumes should not be so elaborate that the child can not sit or interact during class. We will also parade to the kindergarten classes.

I will be sending home request Monday and Tuesday to the parents that have signed up to help for the Halloween parties;)

I want to give a HUGE shout out to all the parents that donated disinfecting wipes and Lysol spray! This so appreciated as we are currently battling some yucky respiratory flu. We are so blessed to have such generous parents. Thanks so very, very much!

What will be doing this week...
Our theme this week will be: Fall animals: Owls, Spiders and Bats ; the letter 'O' ; the color black; and the number ' 7 '( for the Penguins and Seals.) We still have our "Farmers Market" in the Imagination Station. Our Math & Science Station still features the "things of Fall" box and the Buckeye and Acorn Measure. For the Polar Bears, I have added a new station this week. It is the "Overhead Station" The child play a 'spell and find' game with their sight/ theme words. I will work with the younger classes using the overhead but it will not be an individual station for them yet.

Quote of the Week:
All classes had gym class this past week. We played "Red Light, Green Light". We did different movements. One of the movements I told the children to "walk like a mummy...and growl like a mummy too." One of the children spoke up and said...
"walk like a mummy and growl like a daddy."
Needless to say, Mrs. Bloom and I had a hard time keeping a straight face! What a hoot!

BOOK ORDERS: If you are interested in ordering a scholastic book order from the October forms, please do so within the week as due dates are upon us soon. I will be sending out to you the holiday order forms soon.

I introduced something called The Peace Rose to the Polar Bears. This is a Montessori concept that helps teach young children to resolve small conflicts peacefully. It helps childrent to tattle less and how to solve problems that arise when we interact with others. Mrs. Bloom and I have been modeling how to use the Peace Rose the last couple of weeks. Last week it seemed to have really kicked in as we have had situations where children having simple conflicts have used it and it worked! What a great thing to see!
I just want to tell you how much growth and wonderful learning I see out of all the children in all classes and it is only October! I am so blessed with such wonderful children and great parents! God bless and have a super week.

Yours in Education,
Mrs. Bloom and Mrs. Burd

" I am convinced of this, so I will continue with you so that you will grow and experience the joy of your faith."
Philippians 1:25

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pajama Day and Cold weather coming.!

Hello Super-Fantastic Preschool Families!

What a perfect Pajama Party we had! I think the children had a fun time wearing their PJ's to school! They certainly remember that Pajama starts with the letter "P" !

Fall is truly upon us and how beautiful it is! God is so wonderful.
With colder weather means two things that we as teachers need your help with.

The first is that we make sure all children have adequate clothing to go outside in. Coats, hats and, when needed, gloves! Up to the point it gets cold and snowy, we try to make every attempt to have the children go outside even if it is just for a short time.
The second has to do with the yucky "G" word...Germs ;( We are in need of Lysol disinfectant spray(the clean linen scent is very light and condusive to the children's sensitive smellers) and anti-bacterial wipes. We regularly spray all the toys and furniture down but will need to do so more often. Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide us to try to keep our preschool a healthy environment.

Please remember that if your child is running a fever (of 99 or higher), we respectfully request you keep them home until the fever breaks.

What Are We Doing this Week?: LEAVES, the letter 'L', and the color brown! Finger Painting Leaves, Leaf identification, Leaf Sorting, Leaf Echo Reading, sorting leaves, graphing leaves, using a microscope to see leaves and even our Imagination Station is a Fall Wonderland (Thanks to Mrs. Sutton!) ! We will not "LEAF" you out when it comes to all the great leaf things we learn about!

Have a blessed week. Enjoy the fall beauty this week!

Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

" I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak His praises." Psalm 34: 1-2

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My apologies SEALS families/ Fall Halloween Party

Hello Precious Families...;)

I want to extend my sincere apologies to the SEALS. I inadvertantly left on the wrong time on the hard copy I had sent home to the SEALS regarding the time they had pictures done today. I am so very sorry about this mistake. I hope this did not cause to much of an issue for any family. If so, please accept my sincere apologies on this. When I made the hard copy picture flyer, I overlooked the time as I use the Polar Bear's flyer and just cut and pasted. I will be more vigilant on these details next time when pertentant info like this goes out.
Again, so very sorry for this unfortunate oversight on my part;(

Halloween Party day:
SEALS: Thursday October 27th
PENGUINS and POLAR BEARS: Friday October 28th
Costumes are allowed but NOT required. PLEASE make sure the costumes are not so elaborate that it prevents your little ones to not be able to funtion in class. I discourage masks and costumes where your child can not sit or stand without problems. Thanks for your understanding on this. I will touch base with those parents who have volunteered help with Halloween treats and help next week.
One thing I do have planned for all classes is "donut eating on a string". It is a very fun little activity but they should be able to get their little faces a little messy so just keep this in mind; )

A great Q&A came from a question regarding morning Halloween parties. See below:

1.) My child is in one of the morning classes and I do not want to give them sugary treats at 10ish in the morning. Can you suggest something?
Fruit treats are a great idea especially for morning students. I will give you an example of one thing I did: When my oldest was in morning kindergarten, I made small little fruit parfaits (in small paper cups) using a few basic "kid friendly" fruits (grapes, blueberries, strawberries, etc) and layered in with strawberry yogurt.
Keep it basic and relatively healthy. Another couple of ideas are fruit snacks and tiny donut holes. I hope this helps ;)

I had to cancel gym for today (Thursday) as the portrait people were using the Multi-purpose room. It was raining today so we could not take advantage of the outside. My plan is to either do gym Friday or next week.

Our wonderful music teacher, Mrs. Rodenberger, has offered to give each of our preschool classes a music class in her music room! She has SO many wonderful instruments and is so gifted in her instruction of music that I readily said "YES" Next week, the elementary is conducting their Terra Nova test so she will have some vacant class time that she is willing to give to the Preschool students! THANKS Mrs. Rodenberger.

The Pope:
Just wanted to let the PRE-K Polar Bear families know that I have introduced the concept of the Pope into our class this week. Since our letter of the week is 'P' we talked about St. Peter, our first Pope. I also talked to the children about our current pope. We described him as "like the president of the United States only he is president of the Catholic Church." We talked about how he is a leader and tries to lead our church toward glorification of God. I have brought in a picture of him.

Concluding Thoughts:
**We have our Smartboard up and running so we will begin do some activities using this wonderful technology. My intention is too eventually make this an occasional Literacy station that the children can work on independently.

May God continually bless you this week!
Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Picture Day and Pajama Day!!!

Hello Blessed Preschool Families!

Picture DAY is upon us ;) Yeah!!! Remember, Penguins will have their pictures taken at 9:00 am on Thursday. FOR PENGUINS ONLY- Please bring your child directly to the Multipurpose room. SEALS will have pictures done between 9:30-10:00 depending on how fast the photographers get through with the Penguin class. SEALS- please come to the classroom as normal and we (the teachers) will take them over. POLAR BEARS will have pictures done at 12 noon so please have the children to the room as close to this time as possible and the teachers will escort them over to the multi-purpose room as well. If you have any questions please feel to contact me.
PAJAMA DAY on FRIDAY to Celebrate Letter of the Week: " P " !! For Penguins and Polar Bear Classes: (Seals will have a PJ Day at a later date.) This week we have been studying the letter "P". To end the week with a Perfect "P" Promoting, we will have a PJ day on Friday! Your child may wear his/her favorite PJ's. (We will still have class like normal and remember: NO night toys please) Please understand that this is completely optional. If your sweet little one is not comfortable with wearing his/her jammies, they do not have to. Do not make them feel like they have to.

SNACKS: I encourage parents to please only send 1 or 2 items for snack. We have limited snack time and when many snacks are packed (3 or more) the children feel like they need to eat them all. To avoid this, please only send one or two snacks and a drink.
Also, just a reminder again we have severe nut allergies and chocolate allergies in our classroom this year. Thanks ;)

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: " Purple Porcipine Ball! "

I am so blessed to be able to be absolutely amazed by how your precious ones see things. It is AWESOME!! I have a box that holds items for the letter of the week. This week was 'P". One of the items in my "P" box was a purple pom-pom that we use for crafts. When I put it out on the floor to see "what P word is this" one of the children shot their arm up and, when called on, enthusiastically said, "a purple porcipine ball!" LOVE IT!!!! So we no longer refer to them as pom-poms but as a _________(color) porcipine ball!

LOOK & SEE: Take a look at our Farm Scene we have in the hallway. What a great scene the kids have made! The Polar Bears are "horsing around" this week with horses, the Penguins are "having a Baaall" with their sheep and the Seals are "wallowing" in great fun with their pigs! What a great FARM week have had so far!

Concluding Thoughts: Your children are such little miracles from the LORD! Thank you for sharing your little miracles with us ;)
"He is your God, the one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done mighty miracles that you yourself have seen."
Deuteronomy 10:21

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Hello Stupendous Preschool Families!

With our incentive charts beginning to become full, I would like to reward the children with a small treat once the charts are full. I wanted to make sure you are all okay with me giving the students a small piece of candy when we give them their filled incentive charts. I have bought small pieces of different flavored Tootsie Rolls to give to them. If you would like me NOT to give them to your child, please let me know and I will do something else.
Please know that I will not always give them candy when they have a full chart. I visit Target's dollar stand and Dollar Tree often and am trying to build a "Prize Box" but it is not yet full enough for classes to all have a pick.
Give me a call or email me ( ONLY if you OPPOSE to them having a Tootsie Roll. By the way, flavored Tootsie Rolls are gluten free, milk-free, chocolate free and NOT made in a facility that processes peanuts or tree nuts so I think we are good on the allergy concerns ;)

God bless and have a super Sunday!
Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yeah...Picture info and prayers!

Hello to all !

YEAH!!!!!! We have confirmation on pictures! First: they are going to be individual pictures ;)
Pictures for ALL classes are still going to be on Thursday October 13th. Here are the times for each class:

Penguins- Please meet in the Multi-purpose room NO LATER than 9am. The Multi-purpose room is on the bottom floor of the Lamy Center. Go through the GREEN double doors of the Lamy Center. Go down the stairs and the double wood doors lead into the Multi-purpose Room.
**Please make sure you bring the picture envelope and money the day of the pictures.

Seals- Please bring your child to the classroom as normal on Thursday morning and the office will call us when the photographers are ready for us and Mrs. Bloom and I will escort the children over. Again, please send the picture envelope and money the day of the pictures.

PRE-K Polar Bears- Please bring your child to the classroom like normal but please try to be their by 12 noon! As soon as we have all the students gathered. Mrs. Bloom and I will escort the children over. Please send the picture envelope and money the day of the pictures.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to call the classroom at 1-740-345-4049 ext 236 OR email me at: if you may have any questions or concerns!

Q&A of the Day:

1. " Could you please post the prayers on the blog so we can pray these at home?" they are! God bless you all.

Opening and Closing Prayer:
" As I start another day, keep me close to you I pray. Be with me both day and night. Help me follow Christ our Light. AMEN"

Snacktime Prayer:
"Thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything! AMEN"

Starting in December, we will close Penguin and Polar Bear classes with the Guardian Angel Prayer.
This is how it goes. (This is a great bedtime prayer too.)
" Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side. To light, to guard, to rule, to guide. AMEN"

Have a super great weekend. May God's peace and grace be with all of you on this beautiful autumn weekend.

Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

Thursday, October 6, 2011

News from School and Q&A ;)

Happy Fall Marvelous families!

What an absolutely beautiful day today. WOW... God is so good!

A few things for your information:

Yes ;) we are still planning on pictures for the 13th of October. Mrs. Walsh and I are waiting on the picture company to contact us regarding a quote of a price and time slots. As of now, I think we are going to simply do group pictures and not individual. (Ex.: a group picture of the Seals class at one time block, then Penguins class, and then Polar Bears class) I will confirm all this information as soon as I find out. I want to apologize about not having this information as soon as I had hoped to have it.

Another Super Q&A:
"My child would like to bring in a snack for his/her birthday/holiday. Can you recommend something that will not conflict with the allergy issue of the room?"
Here are some ideas. If you happen to have any others, please feel free to email me your suggestions:

* little baggies of fruit (ex: grapes, strawberries, blueberries. Could be individual or mixed?)
* Fruit chews/ Fruit Roll-ups
* Tubes of Go-gurt/ Moo tubes (if you shop at Aldi)
* Danimals
* little baggies of popcorn, pretzels, chips (Sun chips seem to be a favorite)
* popcicles (not real healthy but a yummy treat non the less!) We do have a freezer for storage.

Please stay away from certain fruit cereal bars and granola bars as they still contain traces of peanuts, walnuts, and or almonds oils. Even a trace of the oils on a hand or tranferred to a toy or table top can prove dangerous. Thanks so much for your diligence on this.

Scholastic Book Orders:
Watch your child's folder for upcoming book orders. These will be sent out Friday, Monday and Tuesday. The books you order count toward points to get classroom books for our preschool.

Saint of the Month of October:
St. Vincent de Paul...Pray for US! I stress to the children that we NEVER worship any type of saint or angel but we simply ask for them to talk to God for us since they are closer in Heaven to Him than we are! The big word we talk about is "intercession". We have talked about how St. Vincent de Paul was good to the poor and sick. He saw God in everyone just like we need to do.
The children LOVE to learn about these wonderful Christian people!

Preschool Time Line:
Mrs. Bloom and I have put together a "Preschool Time Line" on the bulletin board above the cubbies. It will stay up all year and will include monthly events with pictures. Check out September that just went up today!

Concluding words...
Since it has only been a 3 day week, we will extend our "Farms" theme into next week as well so as not to rush through it.
* Children are such wonderful truth tellers...I love their frank comments and opinions...what a true gift! Have a fantastic weekend!

"You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you." Psalm 8:2

Saturday, October 1, 2011

SAVE the DATE: Preschool Pictures!!

Hello Super-Duper Families :)

Save the Date !!! -Thursday, October 13 we have saved for Pre-School Pictures! On Friday morning, our principal, Mrs. Walsh, asked me if the preschool would like the opportunity to have school pictures done. I said YES! as many parent have inquired about this very thing. I am unsure of the times for any of the classes as this is also the elementary re-take day so Mrs. Walsh and I will be working on these details when we get back from our professional days. I will confirm the date and time again on Wednesday/Thursday and will send an "official" hardcopy notice home this upcoming week.
The only class that will have to come on their "off day" is the Penguin class and I touched base with most parents on Friday morning to inquire if you would be willing to come in that day to get pictures done as well. Most Penguin parents said it would not be a problem BUT if it turns out that you can not get away this day, please call me, email me, or talk with me directly and we will try to see what we can work out.

Q&A session:
Again...some absolutely great questions! Read below.

Q#1.) My child got Lucky Ducky. What exactly does Lucky Ducky get to do?
Lucky Ducky is my helper for the day. He/She gets to: * Lead Intentions, Prayer and Prayer Song, *helps with Circle Calendar time, * is the first one to pick what Literacy Station he/she would like to work at, *leads the class to restroom break and outside gross motor time, and when we have our "Brain Breaks" can pick our song for this break. EVERYONE gets Lucky Ducky as it is a rotation system. I have the students' names on a checklist paper to ensure no one gets left out of the rotation that we are on. Once everyone has had a turn, we start over again. We are currently all on our second rotation meaning everyone has had at least one time of being "Lucky Ducky". Of course, the Polar Bears are starting their third soon as they come everyday.

Q#2.) What is a "Brain Break"?
A "Brain Break" is a time we take when the children have been working so hard and we take a break to give our brains a rest from so much thinking and working ;)

Q#3.) I know in the past years, the preschool did fundraising to enhance the outside play area. Will there be another fundraiser this year?
Yes, we will be doing the Pasta Fundraiser again. More info to come soon!

Q#4.) Will the preschool be doing Scholastic Book orders again?
Yes we will be doing orders again. I just recieved the Winter forms this Thursday. They will go out next week some time. Watch your child's folders.

Ending Thoughts:
*With colder weather coming upon us, please make sure you change your child's "extra clothes" that are in his/her backpack to warmer clothes.

* All classes have had their first session of gym class :0 It was a parachute and bean bag activity that also implemented color recognition and some fine motor skills. On days that are rainy or too cold to go outside, we have the multipurpose room reserved in the elementary school. It was an absolutely great time!

"...And anyone who welcomes this little child on my behalf is welcoming me..."
Matthew 18