Thursday, April 26, 2012

Correction of year on Mother's Day Tea Invite

Hello Moms and Dads,

 FOR ALL Classes:  I accidently left "2011" on the invites for our Mother's Day Tea.  So very sorry!  Of course EVERY class should have the year "2012".

FOR THE SEALS Class:  Your date for the tea is:  THURSDAY, May 10, 2012!

PENGUINS Class: Your invites are coming on Friday...and I promise... they will be correct:)

                                                       Thanks so much for your understanding;)
                                                                            Mrs. Burd

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Community Helper Day- WEDNESDAY!

Hello Fab Preschool Parents!

       Our fuzzy little caterpillar friends are ready to go through their metamorphasis soon!   Tuesday afternoon, the Pre-K Polar Bears got to see the caterpillars start curling and turning themselves to get ready to make their chrystalis.  It was so amazing to see this!   Everyday, all the children are so excited to see how much the caterpillars are changing.  I love to see the wonderment in their eyes.   What a great miracle this is! And to think we get to watch it regularly with our own eyes.  God is so good!

YOUR children are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

I wanted to share a great learning opportunity I experienced with your children the other day.  I tell parents in all classes that I am amazed at the questions the children come up with.  As you know, we have been learning extensively about the season of spring and all that comes with it...the weather, worms, plants, new life, flowers, and of course butterflies.  Last Thursday, during circle time, the Polar bear students and I were talking about what the farmers do in the spring when one of the students raised their hand and asked, "Where does food come from?"  We starting talking about all different kinds of foods and how they are grown.  Another student raised their hand and asked, " What about bread...where does bread come from."  WOW! So that got us started about wheat and all that goes into bread.  We have also been studying the author Eric Carle.  Mr. Carle wrote a book called "Pancakes, Pancakes". In this book, a boy wants pancakes but learns the extensive process that goes into the ingredients for pancakes.  On Friday, we read the book and made our own pancakes!  What great questions!! Thanks to your little ones for these great teachable moments! I love it!  And thanks to Mrs. Sutton for the pancake mix;)

New prayers!

I hope your children are enjoying some of the new prayers we started learning; one being the Super Hero Snack Prayer.  Ask them to sing it for you if they haven't already done so.  Penguins and Pre-K Polar Bears will learn the Hail Mary during Our Lady's Month of May.

Community Helper Visit on Wednesday

We will be have two retired postwomen coming in to talk with us about the community helpers of Mailman! These ladies are wonderful and I hope the children will take lots of knowledge about this very important person of our community.

Next Weeks Theme:

We break off the "spring" theme" and go onto the theme of butterflies for the last week of April!  Just in time as our caterpillars start the miracle of their change. 
We will haveofficially finished the "Letter of the Week" next week.  For Seals and Penguins, I will continue to review letters emphasizing on letter sounds much more.  For the Polar Bears, I will start blends.  We will work on "sh", "ch", "th" and "ph" over the last few weeks. 

Special Me for next week is......(drum roll please....) ADAM TUCKER! 

Concluding thoughts:

        As the weather continues the "hot, cold, hot, cold..." yoyo temps, I encourage you to continue to throw and sweater or sweatshirt in your child's backpack.  It does seem a bit colder down in the preschool wing since we are in the basement level. Have a great week!

                                                    Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy, happy, happy Spring Everyone!

Hello Delightful Preschool Parents!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful and sun-shiny weather! Love it! I hope that Easter proved to be a joyful time for everyone. As we journey through the Easter season, we are celebrating NEW LIFE that Christ brings us and that we see during the emergence of spring.

With the thought of spring and new life, I encourage you to ask your children about the state of our NEW FRIENDS...PAINTED LADY CATERPILLARS! Our fuzzy little friends will turn into Painted Lady Butterflies! Right now, they are in their "eating themselves silly" stage. The children are so excited as they experience the metamorphasis they are undergoing.

All of the classes are taking our Springtime Walks to see God's wonderful spring creations.
We are emphasizing the proper science terms like "buds" instead of flowers. Your wonderful children are such observant and aware of all the spring changes.

Dress Code Reminder:
I just want to remind moms and dads that we do lots of projects at the art station. Sometimes we use some really messy media. Usually the media is washable but I encourage you to dress your students in clothes that are okay to get a bit messy even though we use art shirts.
We are also going outside much more during our Gross Motor time so please dress them for the weather as well as in articles that are safe to have grass stains and dirt marks.
Also, for the GIRLS in our classes, please have your young little lady wear shorts or leggings under her dresses or skirts. At our circle time, when the girls sit "criss-cross applesauce" wearing shorts ensures proper modesty.

PICK-UP POLICY regarding going home with friends:
When you arrange for your child to go home with a school friend, I MUST have a note stating who is going where. Word of mouth is not sufficient. Because our students are so little, we can not always rely on their interpretation of the plans. If I do not have a note, I will not release your child to the other parent he or she wants to go home with. This is a safety policy and I must insist on the complience of this policy. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding of this issue. I love your children and their safety is of the utmost importance to me.

We are continuing to explore spring bugs, animals, plants, and weather. I am encouraging all classes to really start using their senses while observing God's Springtime World.

God bless all of your families!
Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday's High Alert situation

Hello Preschool Parents,
Today (Thursday) our school campus was on a "High Alert" security procedure due to the situation of the individual that escaped from a Heath healthcare facility. If this gentleman is still at large Friday, we will likely be on the same "High Alert" procedure. This means that I will meet you and the children at the door so I know who exactly comes in out of the preschool doors.
We will have inside recess, and pick up procedure will be slightly different. I will discuss pick up procedures with you as you drop your children off.

At this point, school will still be in session on Friday however, please keep an ear on the radio if our school administration decides otherwise.

Thanks to all the afternoon parents that worked with us on our release procedure. All in all, it went pretty well.
Please pray that this gentleman gets the help he needs by those who can help him stay safe to himself and others.

God bless,
Mrs. Burd

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy and Blessed Easter !

Hello Wonderful Families,
I apologize for not getting updates to you sooner. I have not been feeling well this week and have been trying to rest early in the evening. For some reason, I am suffering from some pretty severe headaches that tend to wipe out my energy. Again, sorry for my delay.


I hope your Spring Break was enjoyable and restful. At the beginning of the week, the children shared some fun things they did during their break. It sounds like a wonderful week had by all families. I was so glad to see all my students back though, I missed them all!


This week was wonderful week. All classes touch on Holy Week in some form. In the SEALS and PENGUINS, we used lots of story-telling and art to talk about Jesus and Holy Week. In the POLAR BEARS, we used Resurrection Eggs, the Stations of the Cross and Tomb Cookies to discuss all about Holy Week. The Tomb Cookies were not liked by all but was a really wonderful lesson in the making of them!
Easter Bunny even showed up and gave all classes a fun little hunt and some treats!

It is my hope that all our lessons and stories made some impact on your sweet little people in how beautiful Holy Week and the Resurrection is! I do know many of the students were excited to go to Holy Thursday mass and even asked eachother if they were going! I love it!

Special Me for the week of April 10: Andrew Svatora (Penguins;)

REMINDER: NO SCHOOL on Monday April 9!
** Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on the Monday after Easter, April 9th. Happy Easter!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I wanted to extend my gratitude to all the moms and dads that donated Clorox wipes as well as those who donated the potting soil, flower seeds, and small cups! We will be planting as part of our Spring theme when we come back from Easter holiday. Thanks for all you do!

Upcoming Events from our Preschool Calendar:
May 2 Polar Bear’s Mother’s Day Tea
May 3 Seals Mother’s Day Tea
May 4 Penguins Mother’s Day Tea
May 19 St. Francis Parish Festival

We will be sending out Mother's Day Tea invites within the next couple of weeks. Some moms wanted an idea of how long it would last. My intention is for it to be about an 1 hour - an hour and a half.

Concluding Thoughts:
Mrs. Bloom and I hope that you have a beautiful Holy Week and a joyful Easter. God bless you all.

Blessing to all,
Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom
" Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
John 20: 29