Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And the winners are......(drum roll)

Hello Fabulous Preschool Parents!
        Congratulations to the winners of the class artwork from Granville Studio of Visual Arts. They are.......

Seals:  The Richner Family
Penguins:  The Bailey Family
Polar Bears: The Garrido Family

Thanks to EVERYONE who submitted a bid.  We appreciate your great generosity and support.  You are so wonderful.  Mrs. Bloom and I have been truly BLESSED with you and your precious little ones.  God is so good!
Proceeds from this auction will go toward the purchase of more bikes and other equipment for the gross motor play yard as well more classroom learning items. 
                                                                                        Blessing to you all!

                                                                                     Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom

Bid update

Hello Preschool Parents,
       The bids are as follows thus far:

                     Seals: $140.00 (Family #3)
                     Penguins: $43.00 (Family #9)
                     Polar Bears: $125.00 (Family #7)
Bidding will close at 3:00 pm today (Tuesday).  Thanks so much for everyone's support for these wonderful masterpieces!
                                                                           God bless!
                                                                           Mrs. Burd

Monday, May 21, 2012

Last week of school!

Hello WONDERFUL Preschool Parents!

           Well, this is the last week of school (sigh!). I want to thank each and every mom, dad, grandma and grandpa for the fabulous support this year.  I have taught for 14 years and this is, by far, the absolute best school year I have ever had! My first year as director was certainly full of wonderful learning and growing.  I want to thank you all for helping with this learning and growing, but also for being patient with me.  I so look forward to next school year to see all my students again.  I also look forward to see my Polar Bears as kindergarteners!! I will pray that you all have a safe and fun summer.  Again, thank you all so much for a great year.  Your continual support is always greatly appreciated.


        We are continuing our Ocean theme this week.  Today (Monday) both classes heard whale and dolphin sounds on our Smartboard.  We also will play "Commotion in the Ocean" tag this week.  The children L-O-V-E-D "Dino Tag" and this game is quite similar but the children have to move like the ocean creature they are assigned.  Fun Stuff!!!  Please take a look out into the hall for your child's ocean creations.



      On your child's last day, we will be having a FUN day by having "Bike Day".  When you drop your child, please place your child's bike just inside the small gate that is right by our preschool entrance.  The bikes will also be inside the gate at pick up time.  A bike helmet for your child is strongly encouraged. 
      A few parents have asked about bringing in a treat for the last day.  If your child would like to bring in a small and simple treat that is perfectly fine.  If you have any questions regarding "Bike Day", please do not hesitate to ask. 

Parent Survey:

      IF you have not done so already, please fill out your Parent Survey and hand them into the basket out in the hall.  Your constructive input is VERY important to me and I appreciate all the surveys that have been handed in thus far. 

Preschool Art Auction:

      Thank you to all of the parents who have put a bid on your child's GSVA art piece.  As of today (Monday May 21st) our top bidders are as follows:

                         Seals: $140.00 (Family # 3)
                         Penguins- $40.00 (Family #6)
                         Polar Bears-  $125.00 (Family #7)

If your family number is not up and you would like to re-bid, you may put in another bid in your child's class bid bag.  I will be closing the auction Tuesday afternoon, at 3:00pm.  If you want to bid and are not scheduled for class tomorrow, please feel free to call my office and I will write your bid down and submit it for you.  Again, thank you for your generosity!

                                                                                               God's blessings to you all,
                                                                                               Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Bloom   
                                              " But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"  
                                                                                                           Joshua 24:15

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Life in our Pre-K classroom!

Hello Wonderful Preschool Moms and Dads!

       We are proud to announce 2 of our chrysalises hatched a early Friday morning! After discussion in our afternoon class, Shamus Sutton suggested the name of "Flash" & "Dash" since they were the first to hatch.  So introducing....... Flash and Dash....our 2 new Painted Lady butterflies.  Please don't ask me to tell the difference!hahaha! Thanks to Shamus for those great names:)
      I usually post blogs at home since the school day is very busy.  After trying to post 3 or 4 times without success, my dear husband found a Trojan virus on our home PC.  (big sigh!)  I finally have had the opportunity tonight to write this post from my school computer.  I am very sorry for the delay on this week's post. 

SEALS visit the Bookmobile on Tuesday!

 The Seals class got the opportunity to visit our city's BookMobile.  I wish I could have captured their little faces when they got on the "big bus" and saw it carried books and not kids!   The mobile librarians talked about what the bookmobile does and where it goes.  The children then each picked out a book for us to have in our classroom for a few weeks.  They even decided to keep the books in our "after snack" book tub for ALL classes to share.  What sweet little people!

SEALS had their Mother's Day Tea on Thursday:

   Today (Thursday) the Seals class hosted their moms for a tea time.  I think everyone enjoyed the tea (or punch) and treats.  The children did a marvelous job serving their moms and singing too! 

***PENGUINS and POLAR BEARS will host their Tea Time with Mom on FRIDAY!
Penguins will have their time from 10:30-11:00  and Polar Bears will have theirs from 2-2:30.

"Last Day of School" Bike Day:

     As we near our last day of school, just a reminder that each child is invited to bring his/her bike to school for a bike day.  Please remember that, due to safety regulations, each child MUST have a helmet while they ride their bike. 
    I will send more information out to you on hardcopy as the day draws a bit closer.

A writing reminder:

     I wanted to remind moms and dads that when your little scholar practices their writing at home, please encourage capitalizing the first letter only and lowercase the rest. For example:  J-a-c-k.   At school, we teach the children that the only uppercase letter in their name is the first.  For consistency sakes, please encourage your child to write in this manner.  Thank you so much for your cooperation.  We appreciate all that you do.

Theme for the Week:

         Your child may be doing the Dino Pokey or maybe even wanting to play Dino-Tag.  Or....maybe they are talking about finding fossils in swamps and tar pits! If so, WONDERFUL!  Our theme is Dinosaurs this week.  Lots of great things coming from your precious children. Some of the classes have created swamps, fossil impressions, even naming their OWN dinosaur species! 

"Special Me" for next week is.....

                  Sebastian Gartside! (Polar Bears)

Concluding Thoughts:

     As the week winds down, Mrs. Bloom and I want to wish all mothers and grandmothers a very happy and special Mother's Day.  Motherhood is such a blessed vocation   Thank you to all of the mothers for saying "Yes" to God for accepting this selfless vocation.  We appreciate that you share your little gems with us on a daily basis.  God bless you all and have a super rest of the week and weekend.  Enjoy your families!

                                                       Yours in Education,         
                                                  Mrs. Burd & Mrs. Bloom                                                                 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Usbourne Book Fair this Week!

Hello GRREEAT Preschool Parents!
       Happy, happy May everyone. 
This week is the start of our school Usbourne book fair in our school library.   I have all three of the classes scheduled to visit the fair to either purchase books or create a wish list.  You are also very welcome to visit the fair with your child before or after their scheduled classes Monday-Thursday.  The only class that cannot visit AFTER their scheduled time is the POLAR BEAR class as the fair closes at 3pm Monday-Thursday.  Friday, the fair closes at 12pm.  

The Month of Our Lady:

     May is traditionally the month of Mary.  We reserve our WORSHIP for God alone however we do honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus Christ.  We will have a statue of Mary in our classroom for the month of May.  If your child would like to bring in flowers as a sign of the honor and love we have for Mary, please see the sign up sheet located on top of the cubbies in the hallway.

ART Station:

      I am trying something a little different this month in regards to our art projects.  In trying to give the children more independence in their art, I have easy art projects the children have been doing at our Art Station.  They are given different media to create a project related to our theme (Spring and butterflies).  I explain to the children the objective of the craft and the different things they can use, and then I let them work independently.  So far the children have created their own butterflies & flower garden. This week's project is creating kites.  I think they enjoy this more relaxed art area concept.  They are given some flexible direction and objectives but can create at their own pace.

Religion Station:

       I am so pleased to see the children trying out our new religion station.  Although small right now, most the children have vistied this new station.  We have a Noah's Ark play set, Resurrection Eggs, Glory Story Audio Stories about different saints, books, saints memory game, and some new Old testament Bible floor puzzles!  More items are coming! 

Mother's Day Tea:

     The Mother's Day Tea invitations all have been sent out via school folders.  If you have not gotten yours, please let me know as soon as you can and I will resolve that.  Originally, the tea was slated for earlier in May however, I decided to push it a bit closer to Mother's Day. Please disregard the earlier dates that were on our school calendar that you received at the beginning of school. Your invitation date is the CORRECT one!
      Because we are having the tea in our preschool classroom, which has limited space, I have told the children that they can bring only 1 special mommy person.  If mom can not make it, an aunt, grandma or family friend can stand in her place at the tea. It will be about a half hour or so. I hope this helps in planning and such.  Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Have a super day and a very blessed week;)
                                                                              Mrs. Burd & Mrs. Bloom